Originally posted on the IBM Social Business Insights Blog Site
The site was removed 12/31/2014 from the ibm.com website
Originally posted on January 31, 2013
Social Lessons from the 3 L's
Social Lessons from the 3 L's
By Keith Brooks, Social and Collaboration Practice Leader, VoiceRite
I want to tell you about a session at Connect that not only met my
expectations, but exceeded them.
Tuesday's session by the 3 Socials, Louis Richardson (@inter_vivos), Luis Suarez (@elsua)
and Luis Benitez (@lbenitez), all IBMers, was just what we needed at IBM Connect
2013. Aside from Luis Benitez who is a product manager, they represent no
specific product or solution. Instead, their discussion focused on the real value of being social.
For those that do not know the Three L’s as some of us call them, let me
explain. Louis Richardson is an in your face, take no prisoners artist of
persuasion. Luis Suarez of the “work
without email” manifesto always has a fresh and bright perspective. Luis
Benitez represents, as Louis pointed out, the proper way to answer a question. With the powerful combination of the 3
L’s, I couldn’t imagine a customer not wanting whatever they had to sell.
Their session, Pardon the Interruption, was really the type of
presentation you want at a conference.
It was unscripted and based on feedback solicited through Twitter. Each presenter
had one minute to cover the topic. If
they went longer than 60 seconds, audience members rang bells to show they were
done. Improvisation in business is the key to successful sales and they
performed admirably.
They covered topics ranging from the simple, what should we do in 2013
to encourage adoption, to one of my questions around what to do when management
doesn’t encourage social
Many in the audience were social advocates themselves, creating a very
familial feeling atmosphere. Those of us who really understand being social often
miss out because we may be the only ones in our company who “get it”. So it was
a gathering of a tribe of, dare I say, L(o)uis groupies.
Imagine if roadmap sessions were performed this way -presenting multiple
angles to the choices being made. Technical presentations generally are defined
as education sessions, and they serve their purpose. But we can’t forget the key to adoption is
management of your HR, your human relationships. One example, if you lost your
data could you recover and be a viable business tomorrow? Usually the answer is
yes. Now if you lost all your staff? The answer is no.
People matter.
What would you do
All three were asked what they would have done differently, knowing now
just how influential they can be. Two said
they would have leveraged the tools, meaning the products or solutions, sooner.
This is usually the case, hindsight may be 20/20, but for many companies
and the people at the show, the best time to start is now. Try it, do it, do
not be afraid to fail.
I encourage you to reach out to each of them and follow their Twitter
accounts if you have any interest in transforming how your company does
business in the future. Keith Books is the Social and Collaboration Practice Leader for Voicerite,
an IBM Premier Business Partner. Keith has spoken at SugarCon,
Lotusphere, the View Admin conferences and other industry events on
subjects around messaging and social leadership. Keith has written
articles, books and blogs around IBM products and solutions for over 20
Keith is an IBM Redbooks thought leader